Michael A. Stecker
2955 Motor Ave. Los
Angeles, CA 90064
Price Estimates |
Home 2955 Motor Painting
2955 Motor photos
Cheviot Hills
San Diego Homes |
2955 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90064 (Cheviot
Hills) in December, 2015
Redfin estimates on
2955 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064
.Redfin Estimate, 10-2014:
Redfin estimate, 12-2015: $1,819,407
Redfin estimate, 6-2017: $2,042,500
Redfin estimate, Jan 6, 2018:
Estimate on 2955 Motor Ave. if
sold at $1,675,000 in June, 2017 "as
is" cash deal
with no realtor commission
Possible Property Selling Price of $1,675,000 (in
June, 2017, no commission)
Less Outstanding WF mortgage loan: $9,500 (as of June,
Gross Equity: $1,665,500
Closing Costs estimate, June, 2017
County Transfer tax: &1842.50
City Transfer Tax: 7,537.50
Grant Deed: 28.00
Sub-Escrow: 62.50
Title Wire Fee: 30.00
Recording Service Fee: 9.50
Settlement Agent Fee: 3,550.00
Processing Fee: 175.00
Prepare Grant Deed: 125.00
Messenger Fee: 50.00
Natural Hazard Report Fee: 74.95
City Report, Dept. of Building and Safety: 70.85
Certificate, LA Department of Water and Power: 15.00
TC Feee: 790.00
Total: $14,361
Net Equity for (June, 2017) is 1,665,500 - 14,361:
Tax rate for sale of my house at over
$1,000,000 is:
Federal: 20% cap gains plus 3.8% ObamaCare = 23.8%
California state tax is 11.2%
Total tax rate is: 35% (on taxable amount)
Taxable amount is:
(for June, 2017 selling price of $1,675,000)
$1,651,139 - $200,000 (price I paid for house in April, 1979) - $250,000
deductible for single owner - $10,000 (improvements) = $1,191,139
Total taxes if house sold for $1,675,000 in June, 2017
(Fed capital gains + Obama Care & California or 1,191,139 X
0.35 = $416,899)
So if my house sells in June, 2017 for $1,675,000 ($1,651,139 net
equity after I pay off the $9,500 mortgage & deduct closing costs),
the Net after taxes is about $1,651,139 - 416,899
= $1,234,240
Net for sale of 2955 Motor for a $1,675,000 offer in
June, 2017:
(-26.3% from selling price)
SD HouseHunting estimate on 2955 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064 in
June, 2017
http://www.sdhousehunting.com/ |
2955 Motor Ave. home value estimate -- June 7, 2017
SD HouseHunting Estimate on 2955 Motor Ave. Los Angeles 90064, 12-2015:
SD HouseHunting Estimate on 2955 Motor Ave. Los Angeles 90064, 3-2016:
($67,250 appreciation over 3 months or 22,000 per month
recent gain)
SD HouseHunting Estimate on 2955 Motor Ave. Los
Angeles 90064, June 2, 2017:
+/ - 9%
http://www.sdhousehunting.com/home-value-results/?street=2955+Motor+Avenue&city=Los+Angeles%2C&state=CA&zip=90064 |
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FSA Tax Service (Mike), San Diego, CA on 4-21-2015
Regarding taxes on sale of my house at 2955
Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA. If my LA house sells for $1,700,000
and the closing costs are 7% then the net sale price is: $1,581,000.
Taxes would be federal: 23%, California 12% or total of 35% of
taxable amount
Taxable amount is: 1,581,000 - 200,000 (price I paid for
house in 1979) - $250,000 deductible for single owner - $15,000
(improvements) - 23,000 (loan remaining) = $1,093,,000
Total taxes (Fed & California cap. gains + Obama Care) = 1,093,000 X 0.35
= $382,550
Net on sale of 2955 Motor
Ave. for $1.7 million is: 1,581,000 (after 7% closing costs) -
$382,550 (taxes)
If 2955 Motor sells for $1,650,000 (offer already
received 12-2015): $1,534,500 (after 7% closing costs) -
$366,275 (taxes) = $1,168,225
If 2955 Motor sold for $1,000,000: $930,000 (after 7%
closing costs) - $164,500 (taxes) = $765,000
If 2955 Motor sold for $1,500,000: $1,395,000 (after 7% closing costs) -
$327,000 (taxes) = $1,068,000
To keep the same property tax for a new house in San Diego as 2955
Motor, one needs to buy the new house for less than the sale of the old
one (gross sale price) |
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A. Kirsch tax rate if I sell my house in 2016
He got the information from his accountant:
Woodland Hills, CA.
Federal tax rate for sale of my house at over $1,000,000
is 20% plus 3.8% = 23.8%
California state tax is 11.2%
Total tax rate is: 35%
Example 1: If my house sold for
$1,650,000 thru SN from the non-accepted offer of RS
Offer for my house: $1,650,000
Mortgage due: $22,000, Net equity: $1,650,000 - $22,000 = $1,628,000
Closing costs are $89,914 (4.5% commission, plus other fees)
The net before taxes is $1,628,000 - 89,914 = $1,538,086
Taxes would be Federal: 23.8% (20% + 3.8%), California 11.2% or total of
35% of taxable amount
Taxable amount is: 1,538,086 - 200,000 (price I paid for house in 1979) -
$250,000 deductible for single owner - $15,000 (improvements) = $1,073,086
Total 35.0% taxes (Fed & California) = 1,073,086 X 0.35 =
So if my house sells for $1,650,000 ($1,628,000 after I
pay off the $22,000 mortgage), the Net after closing costs and taxes (35%)
is about $1,538,086 - 375,580
Net is $1,162,506
(or if tax rate is 35.8%, $384,165, then net would be
net $1,153,921)
Example 2: My guess estimate of net
if house sells for $1,500,000 (KK possible
offer on 1-19-2016) :
Offer (?) for my house: $1,500,000, Mortgage due: $22,000
Net equity: $1,500,000 - $22,000 = $1,478,000
If closing costs including commission is 7% it will be $103,346
If my LA house sells for $1,500,000 and the closing costs are $103,346
then the net before taxes is $1,478,000 - 103,346= $1,374,654
Taxes would be federal: 23.8%, California 11.2% or total of 35% of taxable
If my LA house sells for $1,500,000, my mortgage pay-off $22,000 and the
closing costs are $103,346 then the net price is: $1,374,654.
Sum of Federal & State taxes would be 35% of taxable amount
Taxable amount is: 1,374,654 - 200,000 (price I paid for house in 1979) -
$250,000 deductible for single owner - $15,000 (improvements) = $909,654
Total taxes (Fed & California cap. gains + Obama Care) = 909,654 X 0.35 =
So if my house sells for $1,500,000 with Kirt Kingzett
(after I pay off the $22,000 mortgage), the Net after closing costs and
taxes is about $1,478,000 - $318,379 (taxes) = $1,115,962
Net is $1,115,962 |