Michael A. Stecker



2955 Motor Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90064
Price estimates and features


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2955 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90064 (Cheviot  Hills) in 1979


SD HouseHunting estimate on 2955 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064 in December, 2015

2955 Motor Ave. home value estimate -- December, 2015
SD HouseHunting Estimate, 12-2015:


Redfin estimate on 2955 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90064 in December, 2015

Redfin estimate, 12-2015:


Older Redfin estimate on 2955 Motor Ave., Los Angeles 90064 on October 28, 2014 (email) -- $1,582,000
(based on comparison home values of a house in good condition: without seeing the house)

Redfin Estimate, 10-2014:





FSA Tax Service (Mike), San Diego, CA on 4-21-2015
Regarding taxes on sale of my house at 2955 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA. If my LA house sells for $1,300,000 and the closing costs are 7% then the net sale price is: $1,209,000.
Taxes would be federal: 23%, California 12% or total of 35% of taxable amount

Taxable amount is: 1,209,000 - 200,000 (price I paid for house in 1979) - $250,000 deductable for single owner - $10,000 (improvements) = $749,000
Total taxes
(Fed & California cap. gains + Obama Care) =749,000 X 0.35 = $262,150
Net on sale of 2955 Motor Ave. for $1.3 million is: 1,209,000 (after 7% closing costs) - $262,150 (taxes)

If 2955 Motor sold for $1,000,000: $930,000 (after 7% closing costs) - $164,500 (taxes) = $765,000
If 2955 Motor sold for $1,500,000: $1,395,000 (after 7% closing costs) - $327,000 (taxes) = $1,068,000
To keep the same property tax for a new house in San Diego as 2955 Motor, one needs to buy the new house for less than the sale of the old one (gross sale price)