Michael A. Stecker


Annette von Drygalski, M.D.
Hemophilia & Thrombosis Treatment Center
UCSD (Hillcrest)
Montecito/Front Street Parking Lot
UCSD Medical Offices South
4168 Front Street
Suite 2, Rm. L059
San Diego, CA 92103
tel (office, appointments): 619-471-0335
 tel (direct line to doctor) 619- 471-3930


Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 1:30 PM


Coagulation factors (1971 to 2013) for MAS
e-mail: mastecker@gmail.com


At LA County-USC Medical Center in 1971:
Levels of factor VIII, IX, XI and XII were respectively 41%, 82%, 48% and 52%.


In 7-13-1995 and 3/2000 (Dr. Michael Rosove, UCLA):

PTT = 38 (control 29.4)
Factor VIII = 55%, 62%, 103%, 89% (in 2000)
Factor VIII after given DDAVP IV: pre-treatment = 62%, post-treatment = 235%
Von Willebrand Antigen = 49%
(Multimer anaysis was normal)
Restocetin Cofactor = 45%, 59%, 70% (low end of normal in 2000)
INR was 1.0
Factor IX = 130%
Factor XI = 48% (USC1971), 78%, 52% (in 2000)
Factor XII = 38.8%
RBNP was -0.12, negative for lupus anticoagulant

On 10-20-2003 from Dr. Robert Klein, Santa Monica, CA (1-310-829-5471):

Hemoglobin: 14.3, Hematocrit: 42.7, MCV: 84
WBC: 5900
Platelets: 215,000 with normal platelet morphology
PTT: 37 seconds
Protime: 11 seconds
Fibrinogen: 411
Thrombin Time: 14.7
INR: 1.1
Factor VIII: 83%
Von Willebrand factor: 87%
Restocetin Cofactor: 92%
Factor XI: 51%
Factor XIII: adequate activity

On 4-28-2011 from Dr. Gary Schiller, UCLA Hematology/Oncology:

APTT: 35.8 seconds (24.4-32.0)
Factor XI: 72% act. >50
Prothrombin Time: 11.1 seconds (9.7-11.2)
INR: 1.1
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen: 124%
Von Willebrand Factor Activity: 125%

On May 22, 2013 at Saint John's Health Center, Santa Monica, CA prior to colonoscopy & biopsy by Dr. Charles Frankel:

Factor XI Assay: 53.0 (reference 59-150%)