Michael A. Stecker


George Greaney, M.D.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Contact information
Locator Map
Level of accuracy: city of Las Vegas, NV, USA

I was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts and  am now in my mid-50's.  In 1988 I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where I have a practice in Anesthesiology.

I first became interested in astronomy in the Summer of 1979 after peering through a 20 inch telescope during a tour of San Diego State University's Mt. Laguna  Observatory.

  In early 1989, inspired by the beautiful images taken by amateur astronomers that had been appearing in Astronomy and Sky & Telescope, I became interested in astrophotography.  I've been hooked ever since.  My very first astrophotos were taken with a  Meade 10 in. f/6.3  SCT (LX6). My next telescope was a 5 inch f/8 Takahashi refractor.  During the productive photographic (film) phase of my astronomical imaging odyssey (1989-2001), I used a Celestron 14" SCT, an Astrophysics 6" f/6 EDF refractor and an Optical Guidance Systems 14.5" f/6.5 Ritchey-Chretien.

I began to experiment with Digital Imaging in the Autumn of 2000.  I currently do CCD imaging exclusively.  For this I am using my second Optical Guidance Systems 14.5" Ritchey-Chretien telescope.  Prior to the Autumn of 2002 I did all of my film and some initial CCD imaging at remote sites using portable equipment.  I currently use
Ash Meadows Observatory, a permanent site which I share with Dr. Dean Easton, also
of Las Vegas.

Observing site
Ash Meadows Observatory, Nevada

Astronomical Equipment

OGS 14.5 inch f/7.9 Ritchey-Chretien telescope
Byers Series II German equatorial mount

CCD camera


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