Michael A. Stecker



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Jupiter on August 30, 2022

Jupiter photographed from my backyard in Los Angeles, CA at about 1:30 AM on 8-30-2022.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is at the lower right (5-o'clock position) and the transit (black shadow) of moon Io above and to the left.


Photographic Data

Celestron EdgeHD 9.25-inch f/10 SCT with 2x Barlow to focal length 4,700 mm
ZWO ASI533MC-Pro cooled to 14-degrees F, Frame rate about 20/sec, 2X Barlow, ZWO IR-cut filter
Video Exposure:
One minute video at 1920X1080 resolution, Gain set to100.
Post Processing:
Stacked & sharpened from video frames (rate 20 fps) with Asiair Plus
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021


Full frame 1920X1080 photo used to make photo above
Photographic Data
(same as above)
Celestron EdgeHD 9.25-inch f/10 SCT with 2x Barlow to focal length 4,700 mm
ZWO ASI533MC-Pro cooled to 14-degrees F, Frame rate about 20/sec, 2X Barlow, ZWO IR-cut filter
Video Exposure:
One minute video at 1920X1080 resolution, Gain set to 100.  Stacked & sharpened with Asiair Plus
Color Corrected version
photo ...583
I used Photoshop Elements "AutoColor" to remove the  yellow tint

Cropped photo

Photo rotated 45-degrees counter clockwise so the bars are horizontal