Michael A. Stecker


 Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's baldacchino in Saint Peter's Basilica
(three photo cylindrical panorama)
The great dome above the altar is supported by four 120 meter high piers. Around the base of the dome are the solemn words from Matthew's Gospel with which Jesus invests Peter with supreme authority -- "Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam mean et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum" ("You are 'Rock' and on this rock I will build my Church, to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven." Mt 16:18). The gigantic black text is lit by the light from 16 large windows, typical of Michelangelo's style, which punctuate the drum. Above the windows, the dome is divided into sixteen ribs and as many segments, decorated by majestic figures on six ascending concentric levels.
Between the dome and alter of St. Peter's is Bernini baldacchino, a canopy or pavilion-like structure 98 feet tall.  It is claimed to be the largest piece of bronze in the world. Its design is based on the ciborium, serving to create a holy space above and around the table on which the Sacrament is laid for the Eucharist.


Two photo (reposition only) panorama of dome and baldacchino in Saint Peter's Basilica
(please mouse click twice on the photo for an enlargement)



panorama by JRF