Michael A. Stecker

Selective Levels Test

Test of Selective Levels/Curves vs. Layered Luminous Mask in Photoshop


Often the exposure of a scene is a compromise with some parts relatively overexposed and others underexposed.  One solution to the problem is taking two exposures.  One is optimized for the bright areas and one for the dim.  The two images can then be combined with layers/masks to get a better over-all exposure.  Other techniques are "Selective Levels/Curves" and a "Luminosity Mask"  A comparison of these can be seen below.


Luminosity Mask as per Steve Bingham
see: http://dustylens.com/luminosity_mask.htm


initial light image
(from: http://dustylens.com/luminosity_mask.htm)


initial dark image
(from: http://dustylens.com/luminosity_mask.htm)






Combining the two with the  Luminosity Mask Technique with touch-up
(from: http://dustylens.com/luminosity_mask.htm)


Selective/Levels/Curves Technique using the lighter image only











Pluses for the Selective Levels/Curves Technique

1. Only requires one image and therefore can be used in non-static scenes with people, animals or wind movement
2. Simple intuitive technique
3. Regional control of histogram with Levels and Curves, allowing for optimization of all regions
    in the photo
4. No blurring required


For a brief description of the technique see image 3 at: http://mstecker.com/pages/test_selectivelevels.htm