Michael A. Stecker



Karel Teuwen

Contact information

Locator Map
Level of accuracy: city
Turnhout, Antwerp (Belgium)

I was born in Antwerp on 28/01/1951 and I live at the moment in Turnhout, Belgium, a medium-size town about thirty kilometers East of Antwerp.  I  run a small company in the advertising business.

I do most of my astrophotographic work in my very light polluted backyard with a Celestron 14-inch SCT, Paramount ME mount and SBIG ST10XME CCD camera.  For my astro vacations to France I use a TMB152 refractor mounted on a GM2000 QMI from 10Micron and a STL11000.  Like most of us, I was bitten by the astronomy bug much earlier.  It all began when I was about 10 years old and my father bought me a small telescope. When I looked through it at the moon, it was like heaven on earth!  At the age of 15 I was working during vacations to collect the money for a 76 mm refractor. It was with this scope I made the first images of the moon, right behind the scope without any adapter ring.  A few years later in the late 1970's I finally bought a C8 for more serious work.  This was the beginning of my deep sky exploration.  It was off course with film (Kodak 103a spectroscopic).  For 20 years (early 1980's - 2000) I neglected my astronomy caused by much work and other interests.  However, since 2003 my interest for astrophotography came back and I bought this setup and now I'm even more passionate than ever. I'm even thinking about setting up an observatory at a dark site in France where I can get better results.

Astrophotography publications
I write articles and publish  photo's for  Belgium and  Dutch
astronomical magazines.

Observing site
Home in
Turnhout, Belgium

Astronomical Equipment
Celestron 14-inch Schmidt Cassegrain telescope
TMB152 refractor
Pentax SDUFII (10cm APO refractor f/4)

Paramount ME
GM2000 QMI from 10Micron. 

CCD cameras
Santa Barbara Instrument Group ST10XME
SBIG STL-11000


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