Michael A. Stecker


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Sh2-308 "Dolphin Head Nebula"
(with Oxygen-III data)
Bluer version at:

Photographic Data
Sky-Watcher Quattro 250P, 10-inch f/4 Newtonian telescope (FL= 1,000 mm)

mount and guiding
Astro-Physics 1200 GTO

imaging camera:
ZWO ASI2600MC-Pro color astro-camera.  Imaged on September 17, 2023.


SVBony 60 mm f/4 guide scopr (FL= 240 mm) with ZWO ASI1200Mini guide camera
Aquired and stacked by James Foster with Maxim DL.  Post-processed in Adobe Photoshop Elements by Michael Stecker.
photographic site:
James Foster's observatory at Frazier Park California
(Bortle 4 at 5,500 feet elevation)

James Foster's version: HaRGB plus Oxygen-III filtered light
file: nuDolphin-HRGBOIIInu2A.jpg
Sh2-308 "Dolphin Head Nebula"
(without Oxygen-III data)
file: Sh2-308DolH-JRF10NewtHaRGB112023-ymbg.jpg
In Memorium
White Feral cat at James Foster's observatory
June, 2023 - November 24, 2023 
White feral cat disappeared from James Foster's property on the same night he photographed the Dolphin Head nebula in Oxygen-III light.