Michael A. Stecker

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Bright Nebulae
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Film photos from Mt. Pinos California and Las Campanas Chile in 1990s
Please mouse click on any of the thumbnail photos below to see an enlargement

IC 1396


Cave Nebula (Sh2-155)


NGC 6820



IC 410 and IC 405 (Flaming Star)




IC 410


Sharpless-101 and Cygnus X-1


N.Amer.& Pelican Nebulae


Orion's M42 and NGC 1977


Eta Carina Nebula


IC 2948/44



Digital CMOS astro-photos from West Los Angeles, CA from 2022 onward
Please mouse click on any of the thumbnail photos below to see an enlargement

M8 (Lagoon)

center of M8
M20 "Trifid"
NGC 7000 & IC 5070 (fc)

Pelican & Skull
NGC 6888 (Crescent)

DWB 111 (Propeller)
IC 1318 B&C
IC 1318A in Cygnus

Coccoon & B168
IC 5146 (Cocoon)
IC 1396

IC 1396A "Elephant Trunk"
NGC 7023 "Iris Nebula"
Sh2-86 & NGC 6823

M78 in Orion
Horsehead Nebula
M42 (10-inch Newt)
M42 (Askar 103 APO)
M8 - M20 field 
IC 1848 (colorize)
Rosette (A-P 130)
Rosette (Askar 103 APO)
NGC 7009

California Nebula
Pleiades (M45)
IC 2118 - Witch Head
Dolphin Head Nebula
NGC 2174
M27 (Dumbell)

M57 (Ring)
NGC 6781
Seagull Nebula
(Askar 103 APO by MAS from LA)

M76 Little Dumbbell
Robin's Egg Nebula
(by JRF)
IC 2177 "Seagull Nebula"
(Askar 103 APO by JRF)

Squid (Ou4)
Angel Nebula
IC 2177 (Seagull)
(10" f/4 Newtomian by JRF)
M8, M20, B303
NGC 6888 in HOO