Michael A. Stecker



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M78 in the Orion B molecular cloud complex
M78 is a blue reflection nebula in northern Orion constellation. This complex shows three nebula types -- reflection, emission and dark.  This is a joint collaboration where James Foster photographed, stacked and did preliminary processing on the image taken in Frazier Park California and Michael Stecker did the post-processing from Los Angeles.  A Sky-Watcher 250P, 10-inch f/4 Newtonian, telescope was used.
file: M78-JRF10Newt55min-9252023-RGB3Csm-1a.jpg

Photographic Data
Sky-Watcher Quattro 250P, 10-inch f/4 Newtonian telescope with coma corrector
Focal Length: 1,000 mm
Astro-Physics 1200 GTO

imaging camera:
ZWO ASI2600MC-Pro color astro-camera.

55 minutes

SVBony 60 mm f/4 guide scopr (FL= 240 mm) with ZWO ASI120MM Mini guide camera
Aquired and stacked by James Foster with Maxim DL.  Post-processed in Adobe Photoshop Elements by Michael Stecker.
photographic site:
James Foster's observatory at Frazier Park California
(Bortle 4 at 5,500 feet elevation)