Michael A. Stecker



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M106 galaxy (widefield) taken with Michael A. Stecker's Celestron 11-inch (black tube) SCT at f/7

M106 cropped composite with Michael Stecker's C-11 black tube SCT at f/7
Messier 106 (also known as M106 or NGC 4258) is an intermediate spiral galaxy at a distance of about 23 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. This cropped image is a joint project of James Foster and me using my Celestron 11-inch black tube Schmidt Cassegrain telescope at f/7 (focal length= 1955 mm).
file: M106C11mas410minEXP2Amay2024acr1GxDNd8asm.jpg

Photographic Data
May 28 to May 31, 2024 (composite)

Celestron 11-inch (MAS's black tube) SCT with Starizona f/7 focal reducer/flattener
Focal Length: 1,955 mm
Astro-Physics 1200 GTO

imaging camera:
ZWO ASI6200MC-Pro color astro-camera.

300 seconds X 82
410 minutes (6.8 hours)

Aquired and stacked by James Foster with Maxim DL & ASI Studio.
Post-processed in Adobe Photoshop Elements an d GraXpert Denoise AI v.3 by Michael Stecker.
photographic site:
James Foster's observatory at Frazier Park California
(Bortle 4 at 5,500 feet elevation)
M106 galaxy (cropped) taken with Michael A. Stecker's Celestron 11-inch (black tube) SCT at f/7.
Composite 6.8 hrs from May 28 & 30, 2024

Photographic Data
Same as above except shorter exposure time shot earlier
file: M106masC11-Color175min28May24.-1a1smGxDNd8.jpg
Earlier May 28 and May 30, 2024 composite

175 minutes (2.4 hours)