Michael A. Stecker

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Celestron 11-inch Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope
(black tube)
Michael A. Stecker's 11-inch (2,794 mm aperture) SCT black tube OTA with Starizona 0.75X focal reducer/flattener to f/7.5 (2,095 mm focal length) on an Astro-Physics 1200 GTO mount at
Pinon Pines Estates, California


Michael A. Stecker's Celestron-11 black tube SCT at f/7.5 on Astro-Physics 1200 GTO mount 
CMOS astrophotos from Pinon Pines California by James Foster with Michael A. Stecker's Celestron 11-inch SCT (black tube) at f/7.5
Please mouse click on any of the thumbnail photos below to see an enlargement

M20 with MAS C-11
M13 with MAS C-11


M106 with MAS C-11
M51 with MAS C-11 & Ha
NGC 4216  with MAS C-11
NGC 6888 in HOO
CMOS astrophotos from Pinon Pines California by James Foster with James Foster's Celestron 11-inch SCT (black tube) at f/7
Please mouse click on any of the thumbnail photos below to see an enlargement

M20 with JRF C-11
M106 with JRF C-11