Michael A. Stecker mastecker@gmail.com
Test Index Page
APP APP1 APP2 APP3 APP_black Bathroom Color-1 Bee Removal Bevel Edge -- AFH Birds -- JRF Canon 35-135 lens Canon 350D vs Nikon CP4500 and Kit vs IS lens Canon 350D with Canon EF 35-135 lens Canon 350D with PS unsharp mask Canon 350D Panorama Test Canon 20D astro-test Canon 350D with Canon 50 mm f/1.8 lens Canon A620 digital camera Canon G9 Canon G16 Canon G9 -- JRF Flash Tests Canon S95 Canon Rebel SL1 (100D) Canon Rebel XS (1000D) Canon G9 vs. Canon Rebel XS (1000D) -- Steve Ceiling2017 Clouds Cloud Action 1 Clouds -- ProShow Slide Show Comparison of slide shows made with PSE6, APA2 and Photodex ProShow Gold Digital Camera sensor information Drop shadow made with Faststone Image Viewer 2.30 Egypt ProShow Gold slide show for zooms and pans EmbeddedYouTube slideshow/video on a web-page Faulkes Telescope Film pixel number and scanning settings Find-A-Grave Los Angeles National Cemetery Flowers -- ProShow Slide Show Frame Making Actions 2012 Frame Actions for Photoshop Gothic Glow PS Actions Hemostasis High Dynamic Range (HDR) Images Icebergs ProShow Gold slide show for zooms and pans Joel -- M8/M20 star field JM cover MAS-MS-local.live.com Moon My Family, full res. downloads My mom Neat Image noise reduction software Page Curl Panasonic DMC-ZS7 Panorama Stitching in Photoshop Photoshop Digital Makeup Photoshop Lens Distortion Correction Photoshop Technique Index Page Rugs Selective Levels Tamron 28-70 f/2.8 lens vs Canon 50 f/1.8 USAMC Vizros software